Lands of Tyranny
Day 14 of The Philosopher, Year 417
Fire Demon
Individuals born as Fire Demons are cursed with fighting a constant urge of being aggressive and physical in their daily lives.
Harbingers of Destruction, Heralds of War or Flame Bearers are often phrases used to describe such creatures where legends and myth of their heresy is spoken in tales and songs in their full brazen and defiance against The Three. These folklore terms, as well as the term Fire Demon, encompasses two categories: one tainted by Balthazar, bound to honor and towards physical aggression against what -they- perceive as injustice; the other, tainted by Dominium, thirsty for power and showing their aggression in their attempts at imposing themselves upon others.
As the Empire continued to expand across the continent, The Three brought to bear a new manifestation of their will: The Archons. In response to the challenge brought by these demons, Dominium reached out to ‘bless’ a number of newborns who would eventually develop into the first Fire Demons. Balthazar was soon to follow, corrupting those at birth with but a small spark of his essence.
Despite Dominium first manifesting the Fire Demons, this scholarly name was derived from the more frequent sight and abilities displayed by those spawned by Balthazar. Those demons born by The Father of War became known by the ordinary folk as Devils, or simply Nemesis, owing to their contrast to Archons and their will to fight them. Emblazoned with the forge-fires of their father, they struck out at the conquering Empire and the injustices they instinctively perceived to have derived from it, this instinct in-fact from their corrupted nature, and as Balthazar, same as many of the Old Gods, perceived that the New Gods breached what balance there was in the order of things, with such a direct intervention in the material world.
Their older brothers and sisters, originally born in the silks of nobility and the purple of royalty, Sovereign Demons, shared the same destiny to combat the growing domain of the Annorian Empire. It was the Angels who first noticed the difference between the two; those Archons who encountered these spawn more frequently than any other noticed one group were more concerned with honourable combat than the other.
The Wars Against the Flames, also known as The Karlstor Crusades by Old Gods worshippers, ended in a resounding victory for The Empire.
This was not because of the superior strength of the Angels against Demons, but thanks to the efficiency and training of the Imperial Army itself, able to vastly overshadow even the influence of these creatures touched directly by the gods. A point that is most often lost in myth and legend surrounding the series of conflicts.
Since then, the rate of Fire Demons bearing arms against The Empire has drastically decreased. No longer do they present a united force with the backing of Kings and Lords to grapple with the Empires might. Those walking the lands now often suffer their urges rather than indulge them. An eternal concern of those ashamed of what they are, and who know of the wars in centuries past, is if their patron would call upon them to rebel once more; could they resist?
Only truly known to the Inquisition, the Ilthir sages and Tlatlacah savants, the Fire Demons possess a form that appears entirely normal. Most rumors and stories in myth and legends passed down from generation to generation over the centuries never include that fact. Rather the description given of their wings, their horns and the ash they leave in their wake.
In their human form, the Fire Demon can look like anyone else from the region they were born in. Their eye colors are always derived from that of their parents, their skin is usually darker despite the climates of their origin and typically have dark colored hair.
These Demons will however struggle with being unfit, even if they go a long length of time without sufficient exercise. They are typically buff, strong and tall and can even more so be in their true form.
In their true form the Fire Demon seems to have been fashioned to be the opposite of the Archons. The Angels maintain an ethereal beauty and warm glow whilst these Demons are often behemoths of a human more akin to the muscular structure of an Orc. Their skin and horns usually range from red, darker brown, bronze, ash grey or blacks in tone.
Their eyes can seem to be the flickering of flames, like magma waiting to spill out of a volcano or embers smothered in ash. These Demons are emblazoned with eternally burning or blackened wings or both should one be angered enough. When they fly with these bold fiery wings, behind them they often leave a tiny trail of ash and embers to be swept away by the wind.
Their body, even in their human form is often at a much higher temperature than any normal human, feeling to the touch as if they were suffering from a very strong fever. while this seems to increase further while in their demon form, and while the details of the legends tell about their steps being able to dry out moisture where they tread or even leaving burning marks, in reality, their temperature is never dangerous at contact. Some of these demons are even rumored to be immune to fire, and able to produce flame from their extremities.
Behavior - Nemesis Demons
(Demon of Retribution)
Born mostly to peasant families on the edges of Imperial control, a Demon of Nemesis will go through their childhood and teenage years discovering they possess an unnatural amount of strength and a volatile temper that is difficult to tame and often ends up in episodes of rage.
During their adolescence they typically develop a fascination with martial prowess, heroes and feats of great strength, but more importantly they inevitably become attracted to wearing metallic bands usually made of iron around their ankles, arms, wrists or waist.
In their early adult life they will eventually discover what they truly are, often in the most explosive way imaginable, and soon enough, they will come to realise this fascination with metallic bands is necessary to keep themselves hidden.
They will go through their adult life with a constant and neverending pull towards physical aggression, especially against perceived injustices. The smartest individuals learn ways they can use to manage their aggression well enough through the use of alternative outlets, such as thanks to a physically laborious profession: Blacksmithing, mining or a soldiering in a mercenary company or even in the Imperial Army, or other local garrisons. The more they can find ways to release their inner unrest, the more successful they might be at remaining hidden and at living a relatively good life.
However, even these taxing tasks might not be enough to subdue their urges; often they will flare up in times of great emotion typically when those they care or love are treated poorly. They tend to be the first one in those situations to draw steel and inevitably seek resolution through physical means.
Unlike that of the Sovereign Demons, Demon of Retribution cares more for honesty, fair treatment and honour. They will not fight without good reason,and they will never intentionally attack those who are unable to defend themselves. Even should they be in a position to have underlings or even prisoners or servants, they will treat them well. Despite being capable of widespread destruction, and it being possible to push them to such an explosive reaction it is never their intention to be unleashed with such undirected fury.
Their sense of honour is so strong that, if they are bested in honourable combat they will develop a deep level of respect for the one who defeated them. So long as the victor continues to conduct themselves in a way the Demon deems honourable or ‘proper’ they have secured a loyal friend for life.
Despite being a creature of war, it is not an unheard of phenomenon within the Inquisition that these Demons opt to pursue a calm and peaceful existence within rural or township communities, applying their strengths to community betterment while hiding their nature. Not all of these demons, especially those not well versed in managing their anger usually by undertaking physically arduous labour, will remain hidden to the detriment of the burning villages they leave behind and themselves. Becoming easy targets of the Inquisition and local authorities once identified, since in respect to other demons, they lack their particularly well developed social skills.
Behavior - Soverign Demons
Once born to nobles before the Empire washed over the continent in what became an unstoppable tide. It is speculated that the Sovereign Demons are still born of ancient lineages now defunct, denied, or mostly dead. Instead they are mostly born into the peasant families far from the strictest control of Imperial authorities.
These demons will go through the same early stages of life as their Balthazar brethren, developing stronger than others of their age and a more distinct aggression that pushes them towards physical violence.
They also come to have a fascination with metallic bands, but unlike for Nemesis these tend to be more status orientated symbols which lead many to wear bronze, silver or golden bands sometimes with gems encrusted upon them, often robbed, given their humble origins.
They will go through similar struggles in their adult life too, although comparatively they are less inclined to immediate acts of physical violence and instead plot revenge against perceived injustices upon their person or those they hold in high regards. This does not make them any less aggressive, rather these demons often channel their aggression into proactive behaviour to crush those who they perceive to be acting out of turn.
The Sovereign Demon’s domain is often restricted to their home, or the settlement they live in. Once an ‘order’ has been established within the premises to their liking they will often become irritated with unwanted change that could drive them to physical violence or at least to a yet increased urge to impose their will on others. These demons are not typically opposed to amassing followers, servants or even risking going against the law with having actual slaves, should their domain be large enough and their resources abundant enough to accommodate them. However the treatment of these individuals in such a domain depends largely on the whims and personality of the specific Sovereign, and how little they disturb the ‘way of things’.
Most of these creatures will still try to pursue a mostly peaceful life, delving into works and jobs that physically tax them into exhaustion as a way to manage their unnatural and often dangerous urges. Some instead join mercenary companies or even the Imperial Army trying to prove themselves to be competent warriors and commanders. Although power, in almost every sense of the word, will always be a strong pull for the Sovereigns, and conflict over responsibilities, promotions and status may eventually send them over the edge.
How to Play: Fire Demons
Try to live peacefully within the border of the Empire.
Manage your aggression and urges through physically taxing work such as: Blacksmithing, Armorer, Carpenter or a Miner, or thanks to other outlets that might help with managing your temperament
If peace is too peaceful, then join a mercenary company, the Imperial Army, or if even that is too peaceful, join a rebellious group, even if this might in many cases go against your urge towards fairness and honorable behavior.
Rumors: Fire Demons
Most rumors about such creatures are sensational depictions of large fiery winged and devil horned demons laying waste to vast lushlands with hellborn fire. The fact they have a human form is not known nor considered.
The legends of these creatures speak of large monstrous creatures that are born in volcanos and can lay waste to vast areas with fire.
Rumors speak of people possessed by evil spirits that leave track of burned grass or dried terrain
See Demons for general details about Demons, their mechanics, origins and history.
Possible Patron Gods: Balthazar (Nemesis/Retribution) or Dominium (Devil/Sovereign)
Possible Faith: The Three - Empire Loyalty
General Personality Traits: Aggressive, abrasive, vengeful, violent, warlike, direct
Typical Balthazar Specific Traits: Honest, Honourable, Righteous
Typical Dominium Specific Traits: Callous, Controlling, Megalomaniac
Physical Characteristics: Taller than average, Broad shouldered, Buff
Balthazar Specific Demonic Urges:
Extreme sense of just and unjust behaviour will become vengeful when they see something they perceive as unjust. Strong urges to fight those that act unjust in their eyes and according to their own personal views.
Strong violent tendency in conflict situations and urge to settle disputes and discussions physically.
Dominium Specific Demonic Urges:
Gain influence or power, through whatever means preferred.
Establish a ‘domain’ and protect it well.
Become spiteful towards those who upset the ‘balance’ in their ‘domain’.
Flight (The Fire Demon can grow fiery wings while in their true form)
Resistance to fire and heat
Weakness: Forced into demon form when the Fire Demon is not wearing any sort of metal restraint or band, such as: anklets, armbands, chains, collars, crowns, cuffs or shackles.
Other Weaknesses: Demons are asked to pick 2 out of a small list of weaknesses and must specify them at character creation. This list is private for metagaming reasons and will be shown to players during Character Creation.
Fear I, Fear II*, Fear III*, Pain I, Fire Bolt*
* Only when in Demon form
Note: This race is for a restricted number of characters, before submitting a character, check for availability by opening a Character Creation Ticket.
Note: Demons are High Risk characters. They may be killed more easily given their nature by certain other characters and races (e.g. by the Inquisition). Opening a ticket before a possible death however is still mandatory.
Authors: Hokan, Rashan, Maya