Lands of Tyranny

Blood Demon
Life for a Blood Demon, or Succubus, as called in the common folklore, is, as is true for most Demons, a life of a conflicted nature. They are born and raised in loving, empire loyal noble families. The Blood Demon knows luxury and peace within their families until their urges finally start to emerge during adolescence. What at first is similar to the sexual awakening of any person soon becomes a raging fire unlike any human could imagine. Their minds get filled with perversion, with the urge to do risky yet exciting things, finding themselves with a constant and unfulfillable need for more: soon finding themselves blissfully indulging in adultery, sadistic and masochistic displays or worse.
Those urges can only be sated by the pursuit of sex, although it is not impossible for a demon to exist without it, it will become harder and harder for them to not pursue it as time passes.
A blood demon’s human side remains almost universally loyal and loving to the empire. Blood Demons wish nothing more than for these urges to become normal enough for them to be able to lead a happy marriage, and attend to their noble duties. Their needs are in almost every case seen as a curse, not a gift: they are likely among the Demons that will struggle the most to let go of their imperial roots, and are often the most hateful of any Demon towards their Patron god, whom they clearly find responsible for their life of struggle.
These Demons are hopeless romantics, but their demonic urges make pursuing such pure goals end up in mindless and unfulfilling sex, losing friends and partners again and again by such conflicting ideals.

Tales shared by men in taverns after a few rounds of ale in various taverns speak of impossibly beautiful women that come in the night to seduce, caress and indulge in them. But a warning is always spoken when these beings are brought up. If you give in to such a being your soul will be devoured, your faith lost and your duties abandoned, just so you can chase this heartless creature that will never be able to truly love.
Scholars speak of the Blood Demon in different terms. It is described as both the most harmless and most dangerous of all demons. The Forbidden Tomes of the Inquisition describe them as masters of manipulation and charm, as well as monsters that hold the thread of life in their hands, monsters that can shape flesh, bend the blood in the body to their will, as well as to confuse one's mind to make them do whatever they wish.
However the scriptures also say that Blood Demons tend to be the most timid of all Demons, their great power rarely used. They hail almost exclusively from loving and Empire loyal families and so it is suggested that it is easier to lure out in the open and capture a Blood Demon through manipulation than through brute force. It is noted that due to their usually loyal to the Empire nature and meekness they are relatively easy to dominate and control.

Blood Demons in their true form appear as beautiful men or women, yet their form is distorted by the corrupting influence of the goddess that created them. Their beautiful form twisted and covered in fleshy red veins and scars, that extend into claws at their hands and feet. With a usually red spaded tail extending from their back, and blood red, golden or ashen grey horns on their heads.
Their eyes are usually either just blood red orbs, or mimic the appearance of animal eyes in red or gold. The most common ones are Goat and Snake eyes.
In their human form they remain appearing as beautiful as in their true form. And they are as diverse as the people of the Empire.
As their abilities however also encompass the ability to change their appearance, it is not uncommon for them to appear in a slightly different form whenever they need to hide their identity or when they need to move into a new town or settlement.
However their abilities can not perfectly hide their identity and features. And anyone who knows the face of a Blood Demon will be able to identify them in any changed form again.
As Blood Demons often have a particular preference for precious or at least very good looking, if not eye-catching, revealing clothes as much as they can.
A Blood Demons urges drives them into a deep sexual frenzy, where it becomes hard to impossible for them to resist any sexual advances. When neglecting this urge they will be driven into a state of lust, in which it becomes hard to impossible for them to not just start masturbating, no matter if anyone watches.
Within the Empire this leads to some Blood Demons to become prostitutes, at times willingly giving up their jobs, and even what positions of prestige they might have managed to achieve, just to be able to fulfill their pressing, never ending urges, while remaining able to be around other humans.
Most Blood Demons also have a strong drive to decorate themselves with jewellery and make-up enhancing their almost unnatural beauty even further.

In clothes they tend to wear fine silks and leathers, for one for vanity, but also because to most it is the only thing they can wear in their demonic form, cheap clothes feeling like burning irons on their skin.
Their urges also drive them to commit adultery and to attempt to have others commit adultery beyond just the more perverse needs of sadistic and masochistic sex. They will often act overly sexually and trying to conform to their partner’s tastes and expectations to get their way when their mind is filled with their urges.
As with all demons, when the urges take over they have little to no rational thought left in them, and will do risky things just for the thrill.
On their human side, they tend to be very devout followers of the three, often going to services and confessions whenever they can. Some have a tendency to be romantic and to be loving and kind in their human mind. So much so that the greatest dream for most Blood Demons is to find a husband or wife and to start a loving family of their own.

These inherent human needs are usually the core reason why Blood Demons only leave the empire if absolutely necessary. If they do, they will often end up in rural non-empire villages, where some of the locals may worship them as a child of Lilith and where they more proudly present their true form. In some cases however they will end up with Beastkin or Ogroids where they can freely live out their urges, often though having to give up their dreams, freedom, dignity, and even their very humanity to live instead as slaves or beasts there. Some Demons even try their luck with the Ilthir, in most cases ending up in slavery even there, but at least likely being treated better than cattle, and being greatly appreciated for their fleshcrafting arts, aiding the Dark Elves in their pursuit of physical perfection.

Possible Patron Gods: Lilith
Possible Faith: The Three - Empire Loyalty
Personality traits: Strong sexual urges, love the taste of blood, extremely charismatic
Physical Characteristics: Handsome and sexually appealing
Demonic urges: Strong sexual urges, especially towards perverse sexual fantasies, especially those that oppose the morals of the empire, and especially if they involve unwanted humiliation or pain to themselves or their partner. A strong appetite to consume blood when they see it.
Demonic urge triggers: Sexual situations, being exposed to nudity, being flirted with.
Optional urge triggers: Being nude, being partially nude, others being partially nude, Seeing someone attractive to your char, Hearing of others in a faithful relationship, Vulgar language, seeing blood, +anything okayed on char creation
Weakness: Having their advances rejected from people they particularly like makes them try further till they become truly obsessed.
Other Weaknesses: Demons are asked to pick 2 out of a small list of weaknesses and must specify them at character creation. This list is private for metagaming reasons and will be shown to players during Character Creation.
Natural Aphrodisiac
The Blood demons bodily fluids act as a mildly addictive, strong aphrodisiac.
People that consume any of the Blood Demons bodily fluids directly from the source (this counts as soon as they enter the mouth, such as in a kiss) need to roll a Fortitude Saving Throw of 14 or they will experience an overwhelming sexual urge for 1irl hour or until the end of the current RP scene whichever is later. During this effect, they will need a Willpower Saving Throw of 16 or higher to refuse any sexual advances. If there are OOC reservations against eRP, more chaste forms of foreplay should be used, such as kissing, cuddling, and petting.
If the character affected achieves a climax, they get to do another chance to redo their Fortitude savings throw.
Even on a successful Fortitude saving throw, the person would feel oddly aroused.
The effect can only be reapplied after a successful savings throw, when the character is able to resist in RP.
Blood Demon bodily fluids are mildly addictive: the use of the skill gives ++addiction DC (mild) to the target
The fluids of a Blood Demon still keep some of their original properties even when conserved or mixed with other substances, although their effect is greatly decreased and will only generally make a person mildly aroused and of better disposition towards sexual intercourse.
Mixing the fluids of a Blood Demon with other substances', does include...mixing the fluids of a Blood Demon in water or any other drinks. If you want to represent this use, please do not use the skill, but spawn yourself an item called "Blood Demon Bodily Fluids"
Again, the full power of the Blood Demon bodily fluids is achieved only by consuming these fluids as 'pure' (= not mixed), and not conserved: from the source.
Darkvision (in demon form)
Can slightly alter its own body to be more sexually appealing to the person they want to seduce.
Can alter sexual organs.
Can not look like a different race.
Can not alter their look to be unrecognizable.
Gives +2 disguise permanently.
Costs 1 mana to cast.
Charm I, Charm II, Heal I, Pacify I, Bleed*, Read Emotions
*Only in Demon form
Note: This race is for a restricted number of characters, before submitting a character, check for availability by opening a Character Creation Ticket.
Note: Demons are High Risk characters. They may be killed more easily given their nature by certain other characters and races (e.g. by the Inquisition). Opening a ticket before a possible death however is still mandatory.
Authors: Maya, Hokan, Rashan