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How to interpret the Conan Exiles lore present in the game?

Nothing of the Conan Exiles or general Conan lore is canon in our setting. A few examples to be more precise:

  • There is no Green Wall.

  • There is no bracelet.

  • The 'Unnamed City' is what remains of the Free City of Meridia, after being destroyed by the immense power an Edict, its inhabitants all killed and mutated into skeletal monsters.

  • Lotus is a placeholder for various flowers and it does not have the listed properties.

  • The Silent Legion does not exist, Silent Legion armor being...just an armor.

  • The ruins in the Jungle are of ancient Tlatlacah settlements (see ⁠serpentmen)

  • There is no Purge, Black Hand, Warmaker, Cimmerians, Relic Raiders, Set priests, etc...anything to do with the Conan settings. There are also no dragons nor giants or fantastic creature, unless explicitly mentioned in the Lore present in this discord, and even then, they are likely only known as myths.

Who are the characters? What is their 'level of power'?

The characters are not heroes here, they are closer to common people, relative to their race and profession.

They can be exceptional individuals, but all inside the frame of what can be achieved by someone with their body and mind abilities.

Even the use of magic can leave great strain on a simple human body.

D&D, Conan, and Lore of other settings

Our setting is not part of any existing Lore.

While we do take heavy inspiration for a few specific things from some existing settings (Elves from The Witcher, Beastkin from Tyranny, the looks of the Underworld), everything is very much custom made.

We discourage from making assumptions on the basis of these settings, such as the presence of other "Planes", the existence of fantasy languages other than the ones of our races, or to magic as something that can be wielded by wizards (here magic comes from the gods only). Same goes for our races, that can be profoundly different than the ones from other settings.

Where are we playing, geographically?

The lands the characters will play in is a remote part of the Continent (the known world) called peninsula of the Black Dome. The area is controlled by city states called the Free Cities, that were recently conquered, or submitted to the rule of the Empire.

Specifically, the setting is around the ruined city of Meridia, destroyed by the incredibly powerful magic of an Edict (see ⁠latest events). The deserted land around the city also caused by the effects of this magic.

The in game area represents the region sorrounding the destroyed city state of Meridia.

Who has In Character knowledge about occult matters, such as Demons or other Supernatural beings, or spells?

Only Inquisitors and some rare Ilthir sage possess knowledge about Supernatural beings, or related matters already starting from character creation. Any other knowledge is to be gained from IC means. Please try to refrain from spreading occult knowledge left and right without good reasons, as it helps with keeping an aura of mystery for those that do play supernatural characters.

Race related FAQ

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